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Top-In 1988 Pastor Paul's Historic Voter Registration Picnic Volunteers-At Pastor Paul's Mission Voter Registration Picnic, Mick, Alicia and Al are dedicated volunteers. Mick, Alicia and Al volunteered serving food to hundreds at the picnic. As members of the church, Mick and Alicia always found time to volunteer.
Mick produced the Up-Look Radio Broadcast for Pastor Paul which aired his taped messages on KUXL radio station Mon-Fri 1:30-2pm. Alicia volunteered each Senior's Day held the 1st day of each month. The day's event provided breakfast, special programs, lunch, and groceries for senior's 60 years and older.
Al, an Austin P-9 Hormel striker, volunteered for many events from picnics to holiday giveaways. Many Hormel strikers volunteered for all picnics and Holiday Giveaways. They were very grateful for the food they received from Pastor Paul and they enjoyed volunteering together. They volunteered their time and donated money well beyond their strike dispute which they lost in 1987.
Above-Voter Registration Picnic-Skip Humphrey and Dove Christian Band are at the picnic. Dove Contemporary Christian Band members, from left, Sue Hastings, Deborah Schaeffer, Pastor Paul's daughter, and Don Hastings, Sue's husband, talk to Attorney General Skip Humphrey while taking a break at the Voter Registration Picnic. Many elected officials and candidates were invited to attend. He was the only political attendee.